#Britain (and a lot of other nations are) condemning the Myanmar Army, Administration and the Nations for the Rohingya crisis. Myanmar is Buddhist majority nation. Buddhists are by far the most peace loving religion in the world. What is forcing the most peace-loving religion to take such drastic action? The world media is showing pictures of miserable families and children of the refugees and writing stories of atrocities on them. The refugees would love playing victims. Narrate stories that may not have even happened. After all they want is sympathy. They would never talk about what they as a community have done to anger the nation and a peaceful community. Oxford University dropped Noble Peace Prize winner Suu Kyi from common room's name ( goo.gl/nbpAi5) as she had not been able to stop (the so called) atrocities on Rohingya community and the blatant Human rights violation. Myanmar is trying to solve their internal problems, forced to take extreme measures by those pl...
Reflections on some basic issues, habits, ideas. Few things that matter. Some actions to change for the better.