Sensationalizing a stupid story Journalism is supposed to be writing for newspapers, or news websites or preparing news for broadcast…. But reading and listening to most of the news, feels like it’s more of sensationalizing and bitching, not caring what’s right or wrong. Truth but Not all the Truth A recent front page article by Kavita Updhyay in 26/11 Indian Express talks about arrest of a Muslim youth for sharing something offensive about Prime Minister via his smartphone. The article portrays the boy (an uneducated adult) and his family (irresponsible citizens and parents) as victims. It doesn’t mention anything more than ‘morphed photo’ about what he shared was objectionable. WTF. You’ll just make a story because you want to portray a minority youth as a victim. Pathetic. Misplaced Priorities: Masala over Martyrs I prefer facts and the right things. Firstly, on 26/11, the day of terror attacks, the newspaper gives about 20% real-estate on front page to this stu...
Reflections on some basic issues, habits, ideas. Few things that matter. Some actions to change for the better.