Sensationalizing a stupid story

Truth but Not all the Truth
A recent front page article by Kavita Updhyay in 26/11 Indian Express talks about arrest of a Muslim youth for sharing something offensive about Prime Minister via his smartphone. The article portrays the boy (an uneducated adult) and his family (irresponsible citizens and parents) as victims. It doesn’t mention anything more than ‘morphed photo’ about what he shared was objectionable. WTF. You’ll just make a story because you want to portray a minority youth as a victim. Pathetic.
I prefer facts and the right things. Firstly, on 26/11, the day of terror attacks, the newspaper gives about 20% real-estate on front page to this stupid victimization story and 4% to Mumbai terror attack (based on square inch print of the 2 articles). Insensitive.
Playing Victim
The so called victim is a 19 year old adult and the mother is crying foul he is just a kid, what does he know. When will he grow up to be an adult? When is he supposed to know? And whose responsibility is it to make him aware of things?He is a class 3 drop out. As parents, what were they doing for the last 10-12 years (since he dropped out of school) with the so called kid? Bad parenting. And on top- pathetic journalism.
The so called victim is a 19 year old adult and the mother is crying foul he is just a kid, what does he know. When will he grow up to be an adult? When is he supposed to know? And whose responsibility is it to make him aware of things?He is a class 3 drop out. As parents, what were they doing for the last 10-12 years (since he dropped out of school) with the so called kid? Bad parenting. And on top- pathetic journalism.
He is one of the 5 children to the parents. Whatever happened
to family planning? Oh yes, being Muslim, they may be following Sharia and not
Indian policy of 1 wife, 2 child. Irresponsible citizens. Naturally, I don’t expect
the parents to put any sense or care much about educating or teaching anything to their children. Either the portrayed victim or any of the other five siblings.
Suiting facts to the Story
That’s bad parenting at so many levels. And irresponsible
citizenship. Leaves me speechless to even comment on the journalism quality.
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